“I was reluctant to reach out at first, but glad I did, it was done confidentially and respectfully. I am so glad Angel Eyes NI provides this service, it supports my family's needs and was delivered in a timely manner.”
Families with a child with a disability are disproportionally negatively affected by the cost-of-living crisis. At Angel Eyes NI we recognise the challenges faced by families with increased financial pressures and increased household bills.
Angel Eyes NI works hard to support our parent carers by both representing these issues regionally to lobby for change, and actively addressing this ongoing need proactively by sourcing and providing individual financial grants to families.
Please check out our useful links below for information on a range of grants available to families in Northern Ireland.
Please click into the links for more information on how to apply. For support from the team you can email: kerrie.cartmill@angeleyesni.org
Family Fund Your Opportunity – financial assistance for disabled people aged 18-24 in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland programme - Family Fund
NI Direct - Make the Call service. Advice service to ensure that you get all the benefits, services and support you are entitled to.
Angel Eyes uses LocalGiving.org as our preferred online fundraising platform. You can make a one-off donation, or sign-up for a regular monthly donation. If you are a UK taxpayer then please tick the Gift Aid option to maximise your donation by allowing us to reclaim the income tax paid on your donation.